Unit 22
Lymphatic System and Immunity
Class preparation
Read Ch. 22 before class
Read Ch. 22 before class

22._lymphatic_system_lecture_notes.docx |
Watch the following short videos for an overview of bacteria, viruses, and the immune system.
Microbes & Disease Lab - "Yogurtness lab"

yogurtness_lab_-_student_lab_manual_12pp.pdf |
Homework handouts
Upload these to Canvas by the due dates
Upload these to Canvas by the due dates

22._infectious_disease_questions.docx |

22._adaptive_immunity_questions.docx |
"Virus Explorer" weblab
Download the lab here https://www.biointeractive.org/classroom-resources/virus-explorer
Use this worksheet https://www.biointeractive.org/sites/default/files/virus-explorer-worksheet.pdf
Respond to all (15) questions including the extension activity. Upload to Canvas when finished.
Download the lab here https://www.biointeractive.org/classroom-resources/virus-explorer
Use this worksheet https://www.biointeractive.org/sites/default/files/virus-explorer-worksheet.pdf
Respond to all (15) questions including the extension activity. Upload to Canvas when finished.