Unit 12
The nervous system
Assigned reading
Ch. 12 - Nervous System Tissue
Ch. 12 - Nervous System Tissue
The Nervous System Lecture Video
Reflex Arc and Stretch Reflexes lab
You will need a partner. If you don't have a patellar hammer, make one using a rubber eraser and 2 popsickle sticks or pencils for the handle. See the video.
You will need a partner. If you don't have a patellar hammer, make one using a rubber eraser and 2 popsickle sticks or pencils for the handle. See the video.

12._reflexes_lab_handout.pdf |
Nervous System class quiz (know 18 terms)
On Fig. 12.2 know "dendrites, cell body, axon, nucleus, cytoplasm, mitochondrian, Schwann cell, axon terminal, and synaptic end bulb".
On Fig. 12.23 know "nerve impulse, presynaptic neuron, Ca2+, synaptic end bulb, synaptic vesicles, neurotransmitter, synaptic cleft, gated channel, and postsynaptic neuron"
On Fig. 12.2 know "dendrites, cell body, axon, nucleus, cytoplasm, mitochondrian, Schwann cell, axon terminal, and synaptic end bulb".
On Fig. 12.23 know "nerve impulse, presynaptic neuron, Ca2+, synaptic end bulb, synaptic vesicles, neurotransmitter, synaptic cleft, gated channel, and postsynaptic neuron"

12._structure_of_a_neuron_fig._12.2.pdf |

12._signal_transmission_at_a_synapse_fig._12.23.pdf |
Homework handouts

12._nervous_tissue_questions.docx |

12._how_drugs_of_abuse_affect_neurotransmission.docx |

12.PowerPoint_how_drugs_effect_neurotransmission.pptx |

nih_article -_drugs_change_the_way_neurons_communicate.pdf |

12._addiction_and_the_brain_-_article.pdf |