Unit 14: Chemical Kinetics: How fast does a reaction occur
BJU Chemistry: Ch. 14 "Chemical Kinetics"
AP Classroom: Unit 5 "Kinetics"
AP Princeton Review: Unit 5
The Chemistry of NASCAR assignment
Instructions below
BJU Chemistry: Ch. 14 "Chemical Kinetics"
AP Classroom: Unit 5 "Kinetics"
AP Princeton Review: Unit 5
- Energy diagrams, activation energy
- Factors that affect reaction rates
- Using the rate formula
- Reactions and Rates weblab - handout below
The Chemistry of NASCAR assignment
Instructions below
14._kinetics_lecture_ |
14._kinetics_AP_lecture_ |
"Reactions and Rates" weblab
The answer key is provided to check yourself, BUT DO YOUR OWN WORK BEFORE PEEKING!!
Upload your completed work in Canvas.
The answer key is provided to check yourself, BUT DO YOUR OWN WORK BEFORE PEEKING!!
Upload your completed work in Canvas.
14._reactions_and_rates_weblab.docx |
14._reactions_and_rates_weblab__answer_key_.docx |
"The Chemistry of NASCAR"
This assignment is posted in Canvas in multiple choice format. The handout below is for background information.
This assignment is posted in Canvas in multiple choice format. The handout below is for background information.
14._the_chemistry_of_nascar.pdf |